Workshops for Writers - June 3: From First Draft to Published Book: Tips, Tricks, and Tidbits

Join the St. Louis Writers Guild from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Saturday, June 3, 2023, for a free workshop with literary agent Bonnie Swanson on the journey to publication. Bonnie is also a successful YA and children’s author, publishing as BB Swann.

Our presenter, Bonnie Swanson, will join us in person. Attendees can participate in person at The Lodge Des Peres, 1050 Des Peres Rd., St. Louis, MO, 63131. The event will also livestream via Zoom. To attend the meeting online, follow the event link from the St. Louis Writers Guild website. **Please note that the Zoom passcode has changed to scribe.
From First Draft to Published Book: Tips, Tricks, and Tidbits

You’ve written a book—now what? From editing to querying and beyond, agent Bonnie Swanson from the Purcell Agency outlines the next steps in the journey to publication. Unsurprisingly, it’s not a one-size-fits-all process. So, come prepared to take notes and ask questions!
Bonnie Swanson (BB Swann) is a twenty-seven-year veteran elementary teacher who writes books for children and young adults. She is also a literary agent at The Purcell Agency in Chicago representing a diverse group of authors that write picture books through adult manuscripts. Her issue-driven stories focus on characters who face difficulties most readers can relate to, and how they succeed through perseverance, ingenuity, and hope.