Workshops for Writers - November 4: Save the Cat, Save the Story: How Structure Can Help You Draft a Novel in Thirty Days

Join the St. Louis Writers Guild from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Saturday, November 4, 2023, for a free LIVE workshop with author Ciera Horton McElroy on novel drafting.

Our presenter, Ciera Horton McElroy, will join us LIVE, in-person at The Lodge Des Peres, 1050 Des Peres Rd., St. Louis, MO, 63131. The event will also livestream via Zoom. To attend the meeting online, follow the event link from the St. Louis Writers Guild website.

Save the Cat, Save the Story: How Structure Can Help You Draft a Novel in Thirty Days
Take a deep dive into National Novel Writing Month with the St. Louis Writers Guild and our guest, author Ciera Horton McElroy. “I'm the kind of writer who used to hear the word ‘outline’ and think...Nope. Meticulous outlining felt forced to me. But I learned the importance of outlining the hard way: by rewriting my debut from scratch several times before it was published.” 

Whether you're a plotter or a pantser, Save the Cat Writes a Novel  by Jessica Brody (based on Blake Synder’s  Save the Cat ) can help you draft that novel and ensure the work hits those major narrative elements. In this workshop we'll walk through the famous Save the Cat Beat Sheet and provide actionable steps toward enhancing your novel writing practice. Bring your notebook and questions for this informative and practical writing workshop!
Ciera Horton McElroy is the author of Atomic Family (Blair, 2023). Her work has appeared in AGNI, Bridge EightIron Horse Literary ReviewCrab Orchard Review, and Saw Palm, among others. Ciera is a novelist, short story writer, and owner of a boutique consulting agency, Clover and Bee Communications, which serves studios such as Lionsgate and Kingdom Story Company, Sony Pictures Entertainment, Pure Flix, nonprofits like Open Eyes, AsOne, and the U.S. Institute Against Human Trafficking. She currently lives in St. Louis with her husband and two children.

St Louis Writers Guild