Workshops for Writers - January 14: Cartooning and Comics Basics

Join the St. Louis Writers Guild from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Saturday, January 14, 2023, for a free workshop on comics and graphic novel creation with award-winner cartoonist Steenz.

Attendees can participate in-person at The Lodge Des Peres, 1050 Des Peres Rd., St. Louis, MO, 63131. The event will also livestream via Zoom. To attend the meeting online, follow the event link from the St. Louis Writers Guild website.

The in-person gathering will follow the 2/28/22 St. Louis County Health Advisory. MASKS ARE OPTIONAL, and we will not collect attendee information for contact tracing. No food or drinks will be served.
Cartooning and Comics Basics with Steenz
Many novelists, from Ta-Nehisi Coates (Black Panther) to Neil Gaiman (Sandman, et al), tell stories through comics; why not you?

In this lecture and workshop, attendees are invited to learn about some of the basics of comic making and comic writing. Steenz will be walking us through visual literacy, simplification, panel layout, scripting, and more. After a lecture on their work and career, they'll go right into giving you exercises that you can do to develop your comic-making skills! 
Steenz is a St. Louis-based cartoonist, editor, and professor. They're the cartoonist on the syndicated comic strip Heart of the City, the co-creator of Dwayne McDuffie Award-winning graphic novel Archival Quality, and are featured in several award-winning anthologies. Steenz currently teaches cartooning at Webster University while editing titles from independent publishers and creators. They're also working on their latest graphic novel Side Quest: A Graphic Novel History of TTRPGs. They live with their husband Keya and two cats Marko and Ripley.

St Louis Writers Guild